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Cells Introduction

There are two main cell types to study closely. These are the Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes.

Eukaryotic cells

These cells have evolved to function very complex duties and these can be found within most the organisms living on planet earth.

The main components of a Eukaryotic cells are:

  • Nucleus

  • Nucleolus

  • Mitochondria

  • Ribosome

  • Cell wall

  • Cell membrane/ plasma membrane

  • Golgi body

  • Cytosol/cytoplasm

  • Cytoskeleton

  • Chloroplast

  • Rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum

  • Lysosomes

Prokaryotic cells contain some of the above cell components but most importantly lacks a cell nucleus. The job of the nucleus is performed by an organelle called plasmids which are circular shapes of the cell’s DNA.

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